Wednesday, November 30, 2016

More on "Shooter"

I still haven't been able to test-play "shooter" yet, though I've been busy with tweaking rules, making clarifications and churning out printed materials (new perk cards, buildings and terrain stuff including picking up the junkyard terrain set from worldworks games now that they've put it on a permanent sale) for my testplay. 

I'm hoping to do some test-plays in RL and also on either Roll20 or Tabletop simulator. (If you're interested in doing an online testplay, e-mail me at foolster41(at)

I decided that a hidden action system would be interesting for this game. Now players play one of 3 types of actions: moves, attack and special and then activate a unit one at a time (in alternating turns), activating all the tokens on that unit. Hopefully this will give the game a bit more of depth.

For now I've settled on a single attack per unit per round, but you can spend an additional attack action to "boost" the attack, adding one die. 

  I have about 70 perks now. I have a fair idea of different types of strategies with combinations of perks the units can use, though test-playing will tell me which will be viable and useful.

For example,  one of the roles (a type of perk that each unit can only have one of) for scout is "scavenger". They can go around planting 1" scavenge tokens around the board, as long as they are not within 12" of another of these tokens to gain scavenge tokens to this card that can be turned in for item type perks on the sideboard for them or an ally in 1" range. So I'm picturing as using it as a more support rushing around and possibly being able to pick up medkits, smoke grenades or adrenaline for support. Testing will tell how interesting this is.  My experience with miniatures games, purely support units can very easily be near useless if not properly balanced.

The classes I have from my previous test are Assault (damage dealing),  Heavy (big weapons, takes lots of hits, some defensive abilities), Scout (quick for harassing, blocking off side routes), Support (Medic, Commander/Buffer), Sniper (long range damage), and Hacker (sort of the negative version of support, "debuffing" enemies.)

I realize I never listed out the classes I have, though I used their names in the previous post.  The classes are:
 Assault: Direct damage dealer, is one of the two classes that are more accurate with ranged weapons
 Heavy: Carries big weapons and takes more hits. Has some defensive abilities
Scout: Quick, can be used as a harasser, and/or setting traps to cut out routes among other uses
Support: Used as a healer or general buffer
Hacker: Sort of the anti-support who debuffs enemies and has some control abilities.
Sniper: Long range damage. Is the other class with a ranged attack bonus.

 I've also added a 7th class since my last post, the melee. As the name implies, it cannot carry ranged weapons, but has to get close. This might represent a spy type unit that has abilities to prevent being hit or attacked, or a bezerker who rushes straight into the enemy.

That's what I have for now, I'm really looking forward to test playing this, though I may have to wait until the end of the busy holiday season.

The rules can be found here, and the perks I have so far are here

Let me know what you think.